George and Lynne are at a basketball game. George asks a friend which player she is married to. The friend says the one with the ball, who is very tall. As he scores another basket, someone says that he certainly looks good at putting things in baskets. The friend agrees and says it is very useful in supermarkets.
George and Lynne are at a basketball game but it looks more like an exhibition as there are only seats on one side of the arena. The man they are talking about is much much taller than everyone else, so the exhibition must be in his honour. This is to try to get American basketball teams to sign him. So it is a wonder why George doesn't know who the husband is.
The basketball player plays for Wimbledon, hence the W on his shirt, and likes to train a lot. He wants to get into the NBA and often spends his evenings training. Due to this, some of the only quality time he gets to spend with his wife is right after training, leaving him no time to change. His wife doesn't care though because she likes him to get the baked beans from the top shelf.
If he gets his NBA contract, she won't need him as she can get all her groceries delivered; the irony.