George and Lynne are saying goodbye to some party guests, including Sammy and 'Mantha. One guest thanks them for a lovely party. Lynne tells them that Sammy can't drive home like that. 'Mantha agrees and adds that he can't even walk home. Sammy then trips up.
So George and Lynne have decided to host a party. What sort of party is it? Everyone looks as though they have dressed up a bit, especially George who's gone for the Saturday Night Fever look of white suit and black shirt. It could be a themed party, but by the look of the other guests it's not.
It's light outside and people are leaving. This is either a day party in the summer but that would be more of a lunch or a barbecue, and it is doubtful that George would want to risk getting marinade on his white suit. So this party must have gone on all night. What night owls George and Lynne, and their guests, are.
It is all rather foolish to let Sammy be the designated driver. They all know he's been trying hard to stay on the wagon but to let him come to an all night party is just foolish. 'Mantha was just being selfish to stay out all night. She must have had an idea that come 2am, Sammy would be gasping for a drink. It all smacks of still trying to hide Sammy's problems. The other two guests have no idea, but they must have guessed by now.